Johnossi & Lars Winnerbäck – Känns Så Längesen

Listen to Johnossi & Lars Winnerbäck – Känns Så Längesen (03.06 min) on spotify.

Känns Så Längesen can be found on the album Känns så längesen

More about Johnossi & Lars Winnerbäck

Johnossi and Lars Winnerbäck, two distinct pillars of the Swedish music scene, have carved their own unique paths through the Nordic soundscape. Johnossi, a duo formed by John Engelbert and Oskar "Ossi" Bonde in Stockholm in 2004, blends rock, indie, and a touch of experimental flair, creating a sound that's both raw and melodically rich. Their energetic performances and innovative guitar-drum setup have earned them a dedicated following both in Sweden and internationally. With hits like 'Man Must Dance' and 'What's the Point,' Johnossi has demonstrated a knack for catchy hooks and heartfelt lyrics, making them a staple on the Swedish music scene.

Lars Winnerbäck, on the other hand, is a singer-songwriter whose career spans over two decades, marked by poetic lyrics and melodic folk-rock. Emerging in the late 1990s, Winnerbäck quickly became a voice of his generation, capturing the nuances of Swedish life and love with a rare sensitivity. His extensive discography, including albums like 'Söndermarken' and 'Hosianna,' showcases his ability to blend the personal with the universal, earning him a revered place among Swedish singer-songwriters.

Though Johnossi and Lars Winnerbäck come from different musical backgrounds, their contributions to Swedish music are immense, each in their own right. While they have followed separate paths, their work reflects a deep commitment to authenticity and emotional expression, resonating with fans across genres and generations.

Music video with Johnossi & Lars Winnerbäck

Johnossi & Lars Winnerbäck – Känns Så Längesen