The Meters – Cissy Strut

Listen to The Meters – Cissy Strut (03.09 min) on spotify.

Cissy Strut can be found on the album Funkify Your Life: The Meters Anthology

More about The Meters

The Meters, hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, are universally celebrated as one of the forefathers of funk music. Formed in 1965, the original lineup consisted of Art Neville on keyboards, George Porter Jr. on bass, Leo Nocentelli on guitar, and Joseph Modeliste on drums. Their unique sound, a blend of tight grooves, intricate rhythms, and a deep understanding of the New Orleans musical heritage, quickly set them apart. The Meters' instrumental prowess and their ability to lay down a groove made them highly sought after as both a backing band and collaborators, working with artists such as Dr. John, Paul McCartney, and Robert Palmer. Their own discography includes classics like 'Cissy Strut' and 'Look-Ka Py Py,' tracks that remain influential to this day. Despite undergoing several lineup changes and hiatuses, The Meters' legacy as pioneers of funk and their contribution to the New Orleans music scene is undeniable. Their influence can be heard in the work of countless artists across various genres, and their music continues to inspire new generations of musicians and fans alike.

Music video with The Meters

The Meters – Cissy Strut